Your age might be a predictor of the image that the word journalist pops up in your mind. But if you've got the time, the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture database can show you about 75,000 different entries.

There are video, photos, and hundreds of articles that feature journalists in a variety of roles.
Perhaps one of my favorite parts is the Sob Sisters parts that shows the conflict of female journalists: "How to incorporate the masculine traits of journalism essential for success – being aggressive, self-reliant, curious, tough, ambitious, cynical, cocky, unsympathetic – while still being the woman society would like her to be – compassionate, caring, loving, maternal, sympathetic."
The opening essay highlights some of the conflicts, including:
"... does anyone really want to be Hildy Johnson chasing after one more story or Lois Lane crying her eyes out because the person she loves is out saving the world and doesn’t have time for domestic tranquility or Mary Richards, widowed and penniless, trying at the age of 60 to make one more comeback in television news, or Murphy Brown raising a child and battling breast cancer while still holding on to her number one position in TV news ..."
Here's what Joe Joe Saltzman, professor of journalism at the USC Annenberg School for Communication. says we'll find among the 75,000 entries on journalists, public relations practitioners and media in the Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture database:
- Television (27,000 items);
- Films (19,500 movies, movies made for TV and miniseries);
- Fiction (12,300 novels, 1,550 short stories, 500 plays and 200 poems);
- Radio (2,900 items);
- Cartoons, Comic Books & Comic ... See MoreStrips (5,900 items);
- Non-Fiction (Documentaries, News, Sports, 3,150 items);
- Humor (710 items);
- Commercials (350 items);
- Games (140 items);
- Music (Songs-Compositions, 95 items);
- Internet-Websites (90 items),
- Art (40 items).
- print journalists (from large urban newspapers to small country weeklies, including editors, reporters, photojournalists, correspondents, columnists, publishers, newsboys),
- broadcast journalists (from networks to local stations including reporters, anchors, correspondents, producers, writers, technical personnel, news directors, station owners, network executives and management),
- public relations practitioners (from press agents to publicists), and
- the news media (anonymous reporters who show up in countless films and television movies ranging from press conferences to packs of reporters shouting questions or chasing after the main character to individual reporters asking questions).
- If you want to see all the entries, don’t fill in any of the query categories and simply hit submit
- If you’re interested in a particular film or novel or any other popular culture title, fill in the TITLE query
- If you’re searching for a particular journalist (a columnist, a critic, an editor), a specific actor or a specific group (African-American or Female or Gay for example) simply fill out the COMMENTS query.
- If you’re only interested in movies or novels or poems or humor, simply click on the TYPE or types you are interested in and only those entries will show up.
- If you want to see if your favorite author is included, go to the AUTHOR column and type in LAST NAME followed by a comma, and then first name.
- If you’re interested in a specific country, type that country’s name in the REFERENCE query.
- Each column can be set up in ascending or descending order by simply clicking on it.
- If you want to read more about any individual title, click on the title itself.
- If you want to borrow some title from the IJPC Collection of more than 12,000 DVDs, then check the FORMAT column to see if it’s available.
Go. Enjoy.
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