Here are some posts where I mention the new site:

- Michigan newspapers announces changes March 23, 2009
- AnnArbor.com evolving March 25, 2009
- What's being said about Advance March 26, 2009
- Is Advance the surviving five-and-dime? March 26, 2009
- Blogger: Print's death to damn river of news April 6, 2009
- What they're saying in Ann Arbor, elsewhere about AnnArbor.com April 8, 2009
- 1 meeting, 3 takes on AnnArbor.com April 10, 2009
- AnnArbor.com editor to discuss newspapers April 20, 2009
- Sailing into sale of goods keeps me rushing May 28, 2009
- Bye, bye, bye - bloggers calling it quits June 10, 2009
- AnnArbor.com picks up two ex-Boothies July 8, 2009
- Michigan city says yes to AnnArbor.com July 9, 2009
- Another Michigan publication shifting to AnnArbor.com July 10, 2009
- Whining about wine: AnnArbor.com watch continues July 22, 2009
- AnnArbor.com growing bumper crop of recognition July 23, 2009
- In love: Blogging leader skillful in reply July 25, 2009
- Final words on the Ann Arbor News July 26, 2009
- Oh no! Vehicle, not guns, killed swans Aug. 6, 2009
- Killing the news to save it Aug. 7, 2009
- Assistant photo director from Ann Arbor sad Aug. 13, 2009
- Blogging leader's insights Aug. 17, 2009
- Blogger: Is AnnArbor.com's reliance on unpaid writers how news units will survive? Sept. 2, 2009
- Scooped by site when content keeps flowing? Sept. 3, 2009
AnnArbor.com on itself:
- Announcing AnnArbor.com
- March 31 Update
- What do you want us to cover?
- AnnArbor.com draws inspiration from local news sites in Chicago, Seattle
- Our first job descriptions: Community team
- Leadership job postings for News, Sports and Entertainment
- AnnArbor.com will strongly encourage people to use real name when posting comments
- Slideshow for my presentation to LA2M
- Mary Morgan speaks encouragingly about advertiser support for community journalism
- Marketing and sales job listings
- No, citizen journalism can't replace professional journalism -- or vice versa
- PricewaterhouseCoopers study on newspaper industry rings true here
- Wikipedia hoax underscores public's desire for journalists to vet information
- Collaboration means linking out to other good sources of information
- Kindle is an option, not a business strategy, for news organizations
- Annenberg study suggests only newspapers that move online 'decisively' will survive
- If content is king, collaboration is queen
- Producer/Copy Editor jobs available in News, Sports and Entertainment
- Job descriptions for Digital Journalist, Photographer/Videographer, Clerk
- Yes, all of our content in print will appear online for free
- AnnArbor.com names Stefanie Murray as Community Director
- Jim Knight and Dave Birkett named to key roles in Sports
- Amalie Nash will lead local news coverage
- Local, state and national media cover the closing of the Ann Arbor News
Ann Arbor News covers the change
The Ann Arbor News has covered the launch of the new site. Here are links to some of those stories:
- AnnArbor.com will offer more than local news to an Internet savvy community
- Content director Tony Dearing: AnnArbor.com emphasis will be "local, local local"
- AnnArbor.com leaders reassure residents that news focus will be local
- AnnArbor.com will survey residents about topics they want covered
- AnnArbor.com officials try to allay fears that local reporting will be lost once newspaper closes
- AnnArbor.com leaders address community concerns about local news coverage
- AnnArbor.com to launch print edition on July 26
PaperTiger No More
Jim Carty, a former sportswriter for the Ann Arbor News, interviewed Dearing and shared other news about AnnArbor.com in his blog Paper Tiger No More.
- Tony Dearing: The Ann Arbor News will not be going away (updated)
- Transcript of Dearing, Kraner addressing Ann Arbor News newsroom
- Dearing interview part 1: Like Nothing You've Seen Before
- Dearing interview part 2: Who do you hire? Who sells ads? Exclusive content?
- Dearing interview part 3: He invites skepticism
- Seems a bit premature: AnnArbor.com Shaping Up As Big Fail
- Guest thoughts from Sports Illustrated's Jim Deitsch
- Same news a week later, plus links
- MGoBlog on A2 News collapse
- SI's Deitsch attends another A2.com meeting and shares more thoughts
- Morning roundup
- Closing date? What closing date?
- Last day of the A2 News: July 25
- Dear Tony, please don't do this at the .com
- What the death of the A2 News means to the Michigan blogosphere
- Unexpected Sunday night link dump
- So, what do I think about AnnArbor.com?
- Some inside info, new A2 News stories
- A2 Chronicle: News' building will be vacated, AnnArbor.com will be separate from MLive
- The News appears to be the only paper going online, some print publication to remain?
- AnnArbor.com content czar: Blogs are good and bad
- AnnArbor.com posts video from first forum
- AnnArbor.com posts first job listings
- AnnArbor.com announces sports leaders
- New from AnnArbor.com: Future of newspapers
- More postings on the AnnArbor.com
- A little more on AnnArbor.com
- AnnArbor.com now has a blog
I wiped out the contents of this post on Sept. 30, 2009, and reverted to an earlier version.
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