July 23, 2010

Juicy, red tomato says summer with every bite

We watched the plant blossom, a small green tomato grow bigger, a green tomato turn red, and finally we released it from our garden, brought it inside, washed it and brought it to the dinner table:
"Had the first tomato out of my first garden yesterday. It was really good. Nothing like a vine ripe tomato."
That was a Facebook posting from a friend that I could have written.

A backyard- or porch-grown tomato shares such a different taste from those from the Flint Farmers' Market, Whole Foods, the local grocery store.

We've been munching on the cherry tomatoes from the yard but nothing compares to the just-picked big ones.

I love tomatoes even when they don't love me back. So I enjoyed three big slices and (almost) gladly suffered through the migraine.

I wish I understood why the canned tomatoes or the market tomatoes don't trigger a headache. Heck, I wish I would remember about the garden effect BEFORE I ate the tomato.

Yet, I know I'd still eat that first one. And I know that I'll keep eating them - maybe just a smaller portion until I find the magical, safe quantity. Or maybe a dose of Benadryl before eating?

I'm thankful my husband planted and cared/s for the minigarden.

I'm thankful for one more sign it is summer (despite the back-to-school sales that are sprouting up in my community.)

I'm especially thankful for homegrown tomatoes.


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