A growing number of Girl Scout Councils are discovering social media. There's a big meeting in Arizona where they've been discussing social media. This year, some are even sending out Tweets from the conference:
"I wonder if we can really use Twitter and Facebook to increase Membership? #gscc09"I expect you'll see more Girl Scout Councils twittering because of this:
"#gscc09 Great dialogue in salon 2! CEO GS West OK talked about DOUBLING their membership in 4 years by leveraging girl/vol issues and mktg"and
"Loving the Engagement Strategy tool to communicate with target audiences...just wish there were multiple personas for each segment."But the big excitement was this:
"Ready to Mobilize Membership? Don't miss the lunch presentation on social media by Jessica Lawrence!"You see @jessicalawrence who earlier sent out this Tweet:
"Doing 45-minute presentation on social media to 200 Girl Scout CEOs and senior staff on Friday. Any "must include" ideas?"has a social media policy for the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council that includes 10 ideas:
1. Tell the truth.That policy was shared earlier this week as well as her communications plan. She's not a jerk and she rocks, she blogs, she reads, she ROWE's, she .... check the council out.
2. Have a purpose.
3. Add value.
4. Be authentic.
5. Speak for yourself.
6. Play nice.
7. Respect copyright and fair use.
8. If it’s confidential, keep it that way.
9. Be social.
10. Use common sense.
There are many Girl Scout volunteers and girls who Twitter and have been. It's great to see more "official action."
Some news organizations also are catching on. An article on the Tallahassee.com site, Girl Scouts use Facebook, Twitter to seek volunteers, was populating a number of discussion groups, blogs and news sites.
The official Twitter feed of Girl Scouts of the USA just started rolling.
Also find the Juliette Low Birthplace on Twitter.
(You can follow all of the councils easily now, thanks to this application.
And here are the Girl Scout Councils already Twittering:
- Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Council- GSACPC
- Girl Scouts Black Diamond Council (Added Aug. 28)
- Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle - GSCFPgirl or the adult site Girl Scout Council of the Florida Panhandle - GSCFPadult
- Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida - GSCTF
- Girls Scouts Commonwealth Council of Virginia- GSCCofVA
- Girl Scouts Heart of the South - GirlScoutsHS - Tennessee and Arkansas
- Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan GSHOMAnnArbor - Michigan (added Oct. 11)
- Girl Scouts of California's Central Coast - GirlScoutsCCC (added July 8)
- Girl Scouts of Central Illinois -GSCentralIL - (added Aug 28)
- Girl Scouts of Central & Southern New Jersey - GSCSNJ (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Central California South - GirlScoutsCCS
- Girl Scouts of Central Texas - GSCTXcouncil (added July 8)
- Girl Scouts Citrus Council Girl and adult @citrrusadult (Changed Aug. 28)
- Girl Scouts of Colorado - GSColo
- Girl Scouts of Connecticut - GSofCT
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois - GSEIWI
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma- imagirlscout (added June 29)
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass - GirlScoutsEmass - Massachusetts (changed Aug. 27
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri - GirlScoutsEM
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania - GSEasternPA
- Girl Scouts of Frontier Council - GSFC - Nevada
- Girl Scouts of Gateway Council - gsgc - Florida
- Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta - GSGATL (added June 29)
- Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana - GirlScoutsGCNWI - Indiana and Illinois
- Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa - gsgi
- Girl Scouts of Greater New York - GSBrooklynNY
- Girl Scout Council of Greater New York - GSCGNY - (Added Aug. 28, but no tweets)
- Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains - gsgwm - New Hampshire and Vermont (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia - GAGirlScouts (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland - KSGirlScouts
- Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana - GirlScoutsKY
- Girl Scouts of Kentucky's Wilderness Road Council - GSKWRC
- Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee - GirlScoutsMIDTN Removed Sept. 30
- Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys - GirlScoutsRV
- Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland Council - gsmoheartland
- Girl Scouts of Nassau County - New York
- Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails - GirlScoutsNM (added July 8)
- Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama - GirlScoutsNCA
- Girl Scouts of North New Jersey - GirlScoutsNNJ
- Girl Scouts of North East Ohio - GSNEO (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York - neny
- Girl Scouts of Northern California - GirlScoutsNorCalGGT (added July 8) or at GirlScoutsNorCal
- Girl Scouts of North East Ohio - GSNEO (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of North New Jersey - GirlScoutsNNJ
- Girl Scouts of Orange County - GirlScoutsOC - California
- Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington - gsosw
- Girl Scouts of Rhode Island - gsri (added June 29)
- Girl Scouts San-Diego-Imperial Council - sdgirlscouts - California (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council - GSSSC - Idaho
- Girl Scouts of South Carolina - gsscmm
- Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan - gssem (added Aug. 12)
- Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas - GirlScoutsSWTX
Follow CEO Anna M. Chavez's adventures at http://twitter.com/GirlScoutEagle1.
(added Aug. 28)
- Girl Scouts of Tanasi Council - TansiGS - Tennessee (changed Aug. 28)
- Girl Scouts of Utah -gsutahceo (added June 29)
- Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma - GSWestOK
- Girl Scouts of Western Washington - GirlScoutsWW
- Girl Scouts San Gorgonio Council - GirlScoutsGSSGC - California
- Sahuaro Girl Scout Council (serving girls in southern Arizona) - GirlScoutsSoAZ (Council name corrected July 9; and spelled right on Sept. 1)
Check out the Twibes or WeFollow or the Boy and GirlScout blog for more Girl Scout folk who twitter. There's also a Girl Scout room/group over on FriendFeed pulling in many Girl Scout items from the web.
Want more? (added June 29)
I am a Girl Scout who sometimes blogs about Girl Scouts. I twitter about Girl Scouts as mcwgs
Soft start with @imagirlscout for Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma ... soon to be tweeting with established social media guidelines!
ReplyDeleteGirl Scouts of Utah CEO Elaine Gause is tweeting @gsutahceo
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great article!
Would love to see some of your social media guidelines - we're drafting ours now for July rollout.
ReplyDeleteIf you see things useful about Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, there's an arborwiki page at
that could use some love.
@Ingrid Thanks for the tip. I like the PR Stars blog. http://girlscoutseastok.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll add you to the list.
Did you see this:
I'll keep my eyes open and add what I can.
Thanks all for reading and commenting.
Mary Ann