And though I know the majority of people who follow me, friend me, fan me, read me are male, I shared it via Google Reader, which also feeds my Google Buzz, with this comment:
"Wish I could find a way to make people care about this. Beauty is skin hurt."Richard Walker, musician, programmer, editor, skeptic at self employed, left me a few ideas of how I could do that beyond sharing the post with a new audience.
Then he did a simple thing that I admire: He "copy-upped the comments to the post."
That led to a new conversation (the beauty of Buzz) on splitting conversations and included this from Richard Walker:
"You can put a positive spin on it by imagining I wouldn't have seen the post but for your comment, and your encouragement got the comment to the right place. Splitting, or filtering? Who can really say!"
I like that "copy-upped," especially for those non-techie or non-early-adopters bloggers who don't use BackType, or Google searches or whatever the latest/greatest/best pull-it-together conversation aggregation tool is.
I also would like it if you would check out the shampoo, conditioners, lipsticks and other potions you're putting on your body.
Cosmetics are overlooked in our struggle to live healthy. Stacy Malkan shares more detail on her guest post, more on her site, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and in her book, Not Just a Pretty Face, the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry.
By the way, Crazy Sexy Life is by Kris Carr, who had cancer in her 20s. Her blog and books helped/helps me a lot with my daughter's breast cancer battle. But let's be honest. I'm still reading it. I'm still being challenged to do what I can to make sure no mother, wife, daughter, father, husband, son finds cancer shoving its way in.